This may be THE wine to show an alien if they came to earth, asking for one. Philosophical. Vellichor, red velvet curtains, the feeling of someone you love coming off the plane after a trip away. Heartbeats of red and black fruit, the smell of an pool hall, dark spices. Intoxicating. The queen has entered the building. Elisabetta Foradori is the person when it comes to revitalising sustainable production in Trentino, Alto Aldige. Coming to the vineyard reluctantly after some family drama, her first vintage was in 1984. She had fully converted and repaired the vineyards with biodynamic agriculture by 2007, and had brought the autochthonous variety Teroldego out of obscurity and into proper production. She is one of the most forward thinking wine growers in Italy full stop. Her wines speak as such. For anyone who is serious about what they drink, or just wants to drink something really, really good.